CranioSacral Therapy & Visceral Manipulation

Ursula Hoefler PT Cabrini Wellness

CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation with Ursula Hoefler, PT

CranioSacral Therapy Techniques and Visceral Manipulation Techniques will be blended for evaluation and treatment of the whole body to alleviate aches, pains and strains of life and to improve the body’s ability to restore itself to physical and emotional well-being.

Common Conditions Treated by CranioSacral Therapy & Visceral Manipulation


Chronic fatigue


Acid Reflux

Digestive disorders

Migraines & headaches

TMJ syndrome

Women’s & men’s health

Chronic neck & back pain

Post-operative scar tissue pain

Stress & tension-related disorders

Anxiety & depression



CranioSacral Therapy & Visceral Manipulation

  • What My Clients Say

    Ursula is magic - she has an uncanny ability to read the body, to listen and do exactly what is needed to make me feel better. Things like helping me overcome debilitating back pain, acid reflux that used to wake me up in the night, and feel more balanced and less stressed during these very uncertain times. I have turned to Ursula over the years for acute issues but I prefer to see her on a regular basis to promote overall wellness and to feel restored.

    - Andrea H.

  • What My Clients Say

    Adding CranioSacral Therapy has taken my recovery to the next level. Many years of dancing led to a major surgery of my ankle, which has kept me off the stage for years. After the surgery I had chronic pain in my ankle & foot which then led to chronic hip pain. Working with Ursula changed all that. Her ability to listen with her hands and find the places in my body that need attention is incredible. No matter what my problems are when I walk in, I always feel better in both body and spirit when I leave.

    - Benny W.

  • What My Clients Say

    I’ve seen Ursula for multiple complaints over the years including headaches, back pain, digestive issues and low energy and think she is amazing. Ursula is unlike any other hands on therapist I’ve encountered. She has a deep intuition to sense where the source of my pain and symptoms are coming from and her hands are so sensitive they can detect the smallest changes in my body that may be causing me problems. After my sessions I always feel refreshed, clearer and better. I give her my highest recommendation!

    - Daniel F.

  • What My Clients Say

    My experience with Ursula and CranioSacral therapy / Physical therapy/ intuitive hands-on healing, has been life changing. Her supportive, intuitive and deeply compassionate approach to my unique combination of needs, has led to ongoing relief of chronic pain, releasing of alignment patterns, a discovery of my natural unrestricted breath and processing grief. My posture is more aligned, my body more grounded and breath more expanded,A 'work in process', I am truly blown away by this experience and the shifts that occur during/after each session. 
    Words don't do justice to this organic and very personal process.

    K. B.

  • What My Clients Say

    I feel so lucky to have found Ursula and to have the opportunity to continue my work with her. Her incredible ability to listen to the body and gently encourage movement towards healing is both subtle and profound. I have worked with a lot of people for some very complex and interconnected issues stemming from both repetitive use (former pianist) and PTSD, and I have never felt the kind of deep, inner releasing and shifting, both physically and mentally, that I have experienced in Ursula’s caring and patient hands! She is able to intuit what is needed on a given day, and patiently stays present throughout the process in a way that creates a safe environment for change. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
    K. F.


  • CranioSacral Therapy (CST), developed by osteopathic physician Dr. John E. Upledger, is a light touch manual therapy that seeks to locate and treat areas of tension in the body. Throughout our lives we endure stresses, strains, and traumas and our tissues absorb them until we can not handle the build up of tension anymore. This can negatively affect our nervous system and any other body system, resulting in discomfort, pain and disease. CST releases those tensions and allows the body to self correct to balance and wellness.

  • Visceral Manipulation, developed by Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral, is a gentle manual therapy that works with your viscera (internal organs) and assists in your body’s ability to release restrictions and strain patterns that cause pain and dysfunction. Just like CST, VM does not solely focus on the site of the pain or discomfort but evaluates the whole body to find the source of the problem. The treatment is a gentle compression, mobilization and elongation of soft tissues. In addition to physical symptom reduction/resolution and due to the fact that emotions can be stored in our organs, VM can help restore emotional balance.

  • During a CranioSacral Therapy/Visceral Manipulation session clients can stay fully dressed (comfortable loose fitting clothing if more VM approach needed) and are positioned on their back on a treatment table. I evaluate the whole body each session with a light touch (5g or less) to monitor the rhythm of the fluid that is flowing around your central nervous system, and assess for decreased tissue motion or restrictions throughout your body. Delicate manual techniques are used to release areas of dysfunction to improve the function of the central nervous system, the viscera and the body as a whole. A session is typically 60 minutes long.

    What you experience during and from your own session is highly individual and no session is the same. After a sessions clients in general report a feeling of deep relaxation, pain reduction, improvement of range of motion, a sense of balance in body and mind, … The body will continue to integrate changes for a day or two after a session.

  • That is hard to tell. Some people are better after only a few sessions, for some people it may take many more than that. On average people need 3-8 sessions for a reduction of symptoms and pattern change to wellness. After symptoms are resolved oftentimes clients continue to come in for follow up maintenance to help their body stay balanced and to feel restored. If after 3 sessions you see no improvement or change of symptoms we will discuss and decide if CST/VM is the right approach for you.

Have questions about CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation or want additional details?

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