Energy Healing & Spirit Medicine

Hasani Reyes Energetic Healing at Cabrini Wellness

Spirit Medicine Sessions with Hasani Reyes

My work is centered on the principles that we all have the right to live our life in harmony with our mind, body, spirit & soul. My mission is to give each client an opportunity to re-examine their path in life. Clients who finish one of my sessions come away satisfied and with an improved mindset in managing challenges and pursuing goals.

Spirit Medicine Investment Options

Recharge Your Spirit

2-hour Session, $250

This healing session is great for clients who have been feeling energetically drained and need to recharge their life’s battery and connect to their power, creativity and curious spirit. You’ll be invited to tap into your powerful intuition, connect to your spirit guides and ancestors to access your powerful self.

What To Expect

  • 2 hours personalized healing session via zoom or in person 

  • Intuitive reading to help you connect to your spirit guides

  • Guided Shamanic journey to help you connect to your future self 

  • Energy Cleanse to help you reduce any stress stored in your energy body

  • Customized healing assignment to help you stay connected and inspire 

  • Embracing creativity and spirit as a way to tackle unforeseen life challenges

  • Customized Flower medicine prescription to support the healing & integration

Soul Realignment & Body Integration

2-hour Session, $285

This healing session is great for clients who feel their work brings harmony to one’s energetic field and allow healing and balance to return to the energetic body. Inviting both the soul and spirit to reconnect to the body to ease emotional and physical trauma. 

What To Expect

  • 2-hour hands on healing session in person 

  • Rebalancing the body electrometric fields and power center 

  • Activate the body’s own healing power by connecting it to the power of nature 

  • Bring healing to the chakras and remove past traumas blockage 

  • Recharge your mind, body, spirit & soul 

  • Customized Flower medicine prescription to support the healing and integration

La Limpia
A Deep Energetic Cleanse

90-minute Session, $190

This is a powerful healing session where the client is invited to release any energetic blockages that has been stored in the physical body, mind & spirit. This medicine comes from a combination of many different Afro Caribbean, and indigenous people from around the world. La Limpia invites the client to reconnect to the medicine of mother earth and its healing properties to help restore balance.  

What To Expect

  • 90 Minutes hands on energy healing session 

  • Deep cleanse to the Mental, Emotional and Physical bodies 

  • Energy Cleanse to help you reduce any stress stored in your energy body

  • Recharging the energy body through the process of releasing any stagnant energy due to stressful lifestyle 

  • A customized ritual and personalized prescription to help with protection of outside negative energies

  • What My Clients Say

    Hasani was an incredible coach and mentor for me. At anytime if I was struggling with decision making or the next steps we would discuss the root of the issues and how to map out the future. Working with Hasani helped me learn how to communicate more effectively and confidently as a woman leader which has allowed me to grow professionally. She places a strong emphasis on discovering what your true passions are and finding ways to keep those alive while balancing your time personally and professionally. What I have taken away from our time working together is a skill set of how to prioritize and be a stronger leader. This level of balance has brought me much success and happiness in my career and life. I would highly recommend working with Hasani, she will empower you in ways you didn't even know existed!

    -Hunter Rolf

  • What My Clients Say

    Working with Hasani has been a refreshing necessary experience at this stage of my life. Hasani has a great approach to her coaching and healing, she is fantastic at listening and challenging my comfort level to help me connect to my best self. After working with Hasani for over 9 months, I’ve transformed many aspects of my personal and professional life. I now have personal assurance, restored confidence and alignment with my thoughts. I have recommended Hasani as a coach to friends and family members and will continue to recommend her services to anyone who is willing to invest in themselves.

    -Lena Johnson

  • What My Clients Say

    How can I define my coaching experience with Hasani? If you want to go deep, shift and transform the way you look at your life, Hasani's coaching will get you there. Before coming to her for coaching I had a lot of issues in my professional life. I was deeply dissatisfied with my job and the direction my career was going. I was really skeptical about what coaching could do for me. But After a few coaching sessions I realized I had the power to change my ways. Quitting was not an option nor was my job going to change. I found the need for a new job was deeply rooted in the fact that I was working at a place where I was not able to honor my values. Hasani challenged me to face my fears, honor my values and to shift my negative views on my career and performance. I had to look deep within my self and take responsibility for the self negative talk. After a few months of coaching, I started to see the areas where I could make changes. As result, I am still working in the same job, but with a new found mindset and approach to my career. Hiring a coach was an invaluable investment for me. I highly recommend Hasani as a coach.

    -Tyler Cobitt

  • What My Clients Say

    Hasani is an outstanding Coach. Her innate ability to connect to her clients on a soul level is very special. She creates a safe, sacred space for her clients to show up just the way they are. Her style is a beautiful dance between gently illuminating your essence and fiercely calling out your power. In my coaching with Hasani, I have felt so much compassion and safety. She created a space where I felt safe enough to stand in my vulnerability and find my power. She helped me so much by being curious and through her curiosity and compassion I became curious about myself and created a space for self compassion. Hasani helped me access visibility into who I really am... my essence... It was a tremendous growth opportunity for me. She radiates a beautiful divine light that is deeply grounded and also playful and dedicated. Hasani is balance incarnate.

    -Elana Haros

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